Join Us in Supporting Animal Help Now: A Lifeline for Animals in Danger/Distress

At The Vegan Life Shop, we believe in living a life rooted in compassion, empathy, and a deep respect for all beings. Our commitment to promoting a cruelty-free lifestyle extends beyond the products we offer—it’s a core part of who we are. That’s why we’re thrilled to partner with and support Animal Help Now, an organization dedicated to rescuing and protecting animals in urgent need.
What is Animal Help Now?
Animal Help Now is a unique nonprofit organization that provides a crucial service: they connect people with emergency assistance for animals in distress/danger. Whether it’s a wild animal injured on the road, a companion animal in the path of a natural disaster, or any other emergency, Animal Help Now’s app and online tools make it easy to find the right help, fast. Their mission aligns perfectly with our values, making them a natural partner for us at The Vegan Life Shop.
We Saved the Turtle!
Right after I got to know Animal Help Now and their staff, my family and I were driving back home when my husband swerved to miss a turtle crossing the road. My kids were immediately invested. We went back to ensure the turtle got off the busy road in our neighborhood. My kids also immediately wanted to pick the turtle up. Instead, I pulled up the Animal Help Now app, which provided a clear roadmap for what to do. They did NOT recommend picking the turtle up, and trust me keeping my two kiddos from doing so took a colossal effort. Instead, Animal Help Now recommended gently nudging the turtle from the back. We gave the turtle a few helpful nudges, kept other cars away and saw the turtle safely to a grassy area. We saved the turtle! Animal Help Now app’s Wildlife Emergency service is used every four minutes across the United States for situations just like ours. I recommend you download this free app. It will empower you to get involved next time you see a wild animal in need.
Pet Help & Rescue
This summer, following 30 months in development, Animal Help Now launched its second free nationwide app—Pet Help & Rescue—for evacuating pets when disasters threaten and strike. PHaR is a neighbors-based messaging app that revolutionizes (and digitizes) the staid "give your neighbors a key" approach to evacuating our animal companions.
The app is easy to set up and use. Users enter info on themselves and on their pets (including likely locations, likely hiding places, location of meds and go bags, etc.), and then establish a few trusted PHaR contacts in their neighborhood. Then, if disasters threaten or strike and the user isn’t home, they can quickly and easily ask their neighbors to evacuate their pets. Emergency communications happen within the Pet Help & Rescue app, allowing users to avoid the chaos of calls and texts and emails and focus on what matters most—saving their beloved animal companions.
Why Support Animal Help Now?
Every day, countless animals face life-threatening situations, and it’s up to humans to help them. When we don’t have quick access to the right resources, many of these animals will suffer and even die. Animal Help Now steps in to bridge that gap, ensuring that animals receive the care and protection they deserve. By supporting Animal Help Now, we’re not just standing up for animals—we’re serving compassionate humans and taking direct action to save lives.
We invite you to join us in supporting this vital organization. Whether through a donation, sharing their app with friends and family, or simply learning more about their work, every action counts. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of animals when they need us most.
Get Involved
Visit Animal Help Now at to learn more about their life-saving work. Consider downloading their Pet Help and Rescue app or Animal Help Now app and share them within your community. And if you’re able, please consider making a donation to help them continue their mission of compassion and action.
Thank you for standing with us in support of a kinder, more compassionate world.