Vegan Ireland

My family and I are in Ireland!
I didn't know exactly what to expect in terms of Ireland's vegan-friendliness. Several of our travel groups criticized Ireland, especially compared to more vegan friendly neighbors like the UK.
However, we've overall found it to be a very vegan-friendly nation. Even in the small towns off the beaten path, we still find vegan options and vegan milk for our coffee.
In Dublin, we first sampled a vegan Irish Breakfast. This traditional breakfast includes baked beans, toast, vegan sausage, and tomato. It was quite tasty. We also enjoyed vegan food at pubs and around the city, which was one of the most vegan-friendly places we've been so far. Even the fast food places like Burger King had a vegan menu.
This beautiful spot was a bit trickier to find great vegan options. Still, even our small hotel offered pizza with vegan cheese.
The bohemian heart of Ireland has no shortage of vegan options, including Indian, Asian, and Mexican restaurants. We had vegan Thai food our first night, and it was amazing.
In short, don't be afraid to travel to Ireland if you're a vegan! This beautiful nation has vegan options around every turn.